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Dr. Lisa Edwards Pletcher
Ed.D. in Educational Leadership & Policy (Higher Education)

In the Spring of 2003 Dr. Edwards Pletcher completed the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership & Polcy, with a focus in Higher Education. She started the program in Fall 1998 as a new college administrator with a long term goal of becoming a community college president. According to Dr. Edwards Pletcher, "I selected the Graduate Program in Higher Education at the University of Washington because the courses I would be taking directly related to my professional position, interests and aspirations. I can say that the courses I took in organizational development, management theory, student development, higher education law, and resource allocation all contributed to my preparation as an educational leader."

In 1999, Dr. Edwards Pletcher became the Executive Director of the Pierce County Careers Consortium, a partnership of 5 colleges, 15 school districts, 3 chambers of commerce, a workforce development council and numerous companies.

Dr. Edwards Pletcher has been able to apply the knowledge she acquired as a GPHE student on a daily basis and the Consortium has flourished as a result. In 2001,the consortium received the Washington State Governor's award for Best Practice in Workforce Development.

In May 2003, Dr. Edwards Pletcher was awarded the national star of education award for distinguished service in career and technical education. The award recognized her research and efforts to increase student transition from secondary to postsecondary institutions through Tech Prep and Dual Admission programs with community colleges and universities.

Dr. Edwards Pletcher plans to continue her research on strategies for increasing student transfer from community colleges to baccalaureate institutions and looks forward to becoming a future college president.

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